Showing 321–336 of 437 results
Parshas Vayeishev
$0.00Not everyone wants to hear about you. Let other’s praise you, but don’t praise yourself.
Parshas Vayeishev 5775
$0.00Just as the original shevatim had sinas chinam, the Jews today also inherited that middah – and we are still trying to correct this to today.
Parshas Vayeishev 5773
$0.00The connection between the "blood libel" and Reuven’s dipping the "kasones pasim" in blood.
Parshas Vayeishev 5774
$0.00A leader of Clal Yisrael, such as Yehuda, can make mistakes. A Great Leader is one that admits his mistakes and tries to correct them.
Parshas Vayeitzei 5772
$0.00Why did Yaakov volunteer to work 7 years for Rochel? Why didn’t he bargain with Lovon first?
Parshas Vayikra 5774
$0.00The purpose of the world is to get closer to G-d, and He gives us many vehicles with which to do that, including Karbanos.
Parshas Vayishlach 5773
$0.00A person should not give much importance to his material wealth, and should certainly not flaunt it in front of the non-Jews.
Parshas Vayishlach 5774
$0.00Yaakov would not allow Dina to mekarev Eisav, but she felt she was strong enough to do this. People that know themselves and that they have a certain strength should be allowed to do what others can not do.
Parshas Vayishlach 5775
$0.00The Jews solve their own problems through Torah and Mitzvos, not by understanding the powers of the enemy forces.