Shavuos 5774
$0.00Rabbi Montrose tells over a “Chassidic vort” about Rus (Ruth) in honor of Shavuos.
Showing 385–400 of 437 results
Rabbi Montrose tells over a “Chassidic vort” about Rus (Ruth) in honor of Shavuos.
Various halachos and concerns when Shavuos falls on the day after Shabbos
Why do we eat Dairy on Shavuos if the Jews had man available in the desert?
The laws of cutting hair, nails, feathers and similar items on Shabbos (Parshas Vayeishev)
What are the rules for reciting Shehechiyanu? Why is there a custom to place a new fruit on the table on the 2nd night of Rosh Hashanah, and how does that help with the Shehechiyanu blessing? (Parshas Ki Savo)
Most Jews have heard that we put on the right shoe first, then tie the left shoe first. But is this really a halachic obligation? (Parshas Lech Lecha)
Why do the Sefardim blow shofar during Selichos? Why don't the Ashkenazim do the same? (Parashas Bechukosai)
Can someone perform a sin in order to protect others from doing a greater sin? (Parshas Balak)
Can a Jewish singer sing a song with the words "Baruch Shame Kavod"? (Parshas Vayechi)
What are the permitted and forbidden positions for sleeping (Parshas Vayera)
Are we permitted to make images (3D and 2D) of the Sun, Moon, Stars – and even people? If the images are already made, can we own them or get benefit from them? Includes an extensive question & answer period (Parashas Yisro)
Which types of superstition are permitted, and which are forbidden (Parshas Chayei Sarah)
The halachos of taking 3 steps back after finishing the silent prayer (shemonei esrei) (Parshas Yisro)
Can someone ask G-d to cause someone else to do teshuva. Can we ask that life's challenges be taken away (Parshas Nitzavim/Veyeilech)