$0.00Why we should NOT try to say “vayechulu” on Shabbos night with another person (Bereishis)
Showing 241–256 of 261 results
A summary of the laws of visual damages: Blocking a neighbor’s view or light, and staring into a neighbor’s property (Parshas Terumah)
Is there a minhag to not have weddings when the moon is waning? Or to have weddings when the moon is waxing? Does anyone keep these minhagim? (Parshas Chayei Sarah)
Does a garment with broken tzitzis need to be removed immediately? Does it matter whether they break on Shabbos or during the week? (Parshas Shelach)
Can one have a wedding during the three weeks? A wedding on Shabbos itself is used as a proof. (Parshas Pinchas)
What is the definition of “whole” or “shalem” when it is applied to “Lechem Mishneh”? (Parshas Beha’aloscha)
What sins define an apikorus and others who get no portion in the World To Come? (Parshas Korach)
What is the brocho on frozen pops made from wine or grape juice? (Parshas Vayechi)
Can a Jew from Israel do work for a Jew from Chutz L'Aretz at a hotel in the USA on second day Yom Tov? (Parashas Behar)